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SIL rating and verification

SIL rating means the rating of the integrity of the safety system, also called as the SIL rating of each SIF loop.

The main steps include:

●Understand and develop HAZOP scenarios and existing controls

●Set safety goals (according to client's risk matrix and local risk acceptance criteria)

●Calculate residual risk

●Identify feasible controls

●Check whether a SIF loop needs to be configured

●Specify the required SIL level for the configured SIF loop

SIL verification: SIL verification is completed after the SIL rating, and is used to confirm that the design of the safety circuit SIF meets the requirements of the SIL rating.

●Fault Tree FTA

●Reliability Block Diagram RBD

●Failure Critical Analysis FMECA

●Analysis with customer-approved software

The above services of Zhunyun will follow:



Relevant local standards (GB/T20438, GB/T21119)


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