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Safety Requirement Specification

The Safety Requirements Specification (SRS) is the most important document in the safety instrumented system project. This document establishes the design basis of the safety instrumented system and describes each safety instrumented function (SIF) that constitutes the SIS. Zhunyun can help you Complete the file.

If the SRS is incomplete or improperly generated, the design and control engineer will not have a clear guidance and may cause the deviations from original HAZOP/LOPA. What is worse, by the time the business owner notices this before or during commissioning, it's too late and this leads to waste of time and money.

The standard safety requirements specifications include at least the following:

●Safety Integrity Level of the Safety Loop

●Architecture of the Safety Loop

●Redundancy and Multiple Selection Logic

●Accuracy of detection and transmission

●Result of the safety circuit being bypassed

●Zhunyun consultants can help owners to generate detailed safety requirements specifications or provide similar guidance.


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