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QRA is a systematic method for estimating the likelihood of hazardous events and their consequences, and presenting the results in a quantitative manner to the EHS risks faced.

Before approval of construction plans with significant hazards, or significant changes to existing operation (including plant-level modifications) or significant changes of staff allocations in different buildings, you may need to demonstrate this change will not lead to a higher risk.

QRA analysis is also required for high temperature, high pressure or processes handling flammable and reactive chemicals. QRA analysis helps to improve the decision of facility siting by identifying the major accident hazards that contribute most to the overall risk analysis. Focusing on QRA analysis will help you achieve acceptable risks and demonstrate that risk is as low as reasonably practicable(ALARP).

Consequences can be modeled by industrial software (ALOHA, PHAST, etc.).

The report will include:

●Establishment of leakage scenarios

●Estimation of likelihood of scenarios

●Consequence modeling and analysis

●Risk analysis for individual, environment and business

●Suggestions and measures


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