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Process safety competency and development

Why is process safety capability so important? Although catastrophic process safety incidents are relatively rare, the losses associated with them can be devastating. Global business is changing at an ever-increasing rate. Acquisitions, divestitures, reorganizations, and transfers of key people make it more difficult than ever to maintain capabilities solely based on what's in people's heads. At the same time, the development of information technology enables enterprises to effectively control, expand and manage information bases, and access these information anytime and anywhere. The question is whether this information still requires people with the appropriate skills and knowledge to convert it into effective output. Competency management, not information management, is key to helping organizations understand and manage risk and remain competitive.


Zhunyun's consultants can help our clients to carry out the following work:

●Tailor-made questionnaires to carry out process safety competency assessment and set improvement measures (according to the relevant standards of the European Process Safety Center or internal requirements of the enterprise)

●Design a process safety competency matrix based on the actual industry and risks of the enterprise

●Help companies improve employee process safety competency (training/assessment/coaching) 


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